Group study rooms are left unlocked and are available for anyone to use when not
Priority usage is given to reservations; a daily schedule will be posted at each room.
are made through Benner Library’s website at this link:
Reservations must be made by midnight the day before the intended use; same-day
reservations are not available.
Patrons receive an email confirmation for their reservation. Patrons need to keep this
email as proof of their reservation as they may be asked to provide confirmation upon
Reservations can be made in 2-hour increments
A minimum of 3 people per group is required to make a reservation
As a courtesy to others, patrons should cancel their reservation if the room is no longer
Rooms are reservable by ONU employees and students with an active username
Rooms are available for use but are NOT reservable on Saturdays and during University breaks.
. Because these rooms are not soundproof, the noise level should be appropriate for
academic purposes.
Items left unattended in a group study room may be taken to the library’s lost and found
at the Circulation Desk.
Benner Library staff reserves the right to ask patrons to relocate if the situation warrants.